Other Related
Diversity Moments (2hrs)
Is a potent exploration of a number of thought-provoking, short, real-life examples that dive deeply into diversity, inclusion and respect topics. Exposed and discussed are examples of unconscious/hidden bias, gender identification, crude jokes, disrespectful comments, etc. that are prevalent in today’s workforce.
Fostering Employee Resource Groups (3hrs)
Provides training on the purpose and impact of the different types of Employee Resource Group’s in the workplace. Explored are ways that strong programs ally with and provide psychological safety and sense of belonging in order to empower employees and help them bring their whole self to work. Network and affinity groups included:
Culture, Race and ethnicity, People w/disabilities, Women, Religion or faith-based, Gender identity minorities, Sexual orientation minorities, Age minorities, Working parents, Single parents and caregivers
Introduction to Cultural Intelligence (CQ) (3hrs)
Attendees learn how the knowledge of cultural differences helps to overcome cultural blind spots to better explain and predict the responses of others. This training explores methods to prevent confusion and anxiety in diverse settings to avoid the activation of ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ social categorizations and negative stereotypes and prejudices.
Subtle Micro-Bias Discrimination (2hrs)
In this workshop, participants are challenged to think about the subtle messages they communicate to others in their day-to-day work lives. This includes a deep-dive on how unconscious messages are conveyed through facial expressions, gestures, vocal tone, choice of words, nuance and syntax and can be positive or negative.