
What is the Shanghai LIFE Coaching Collective?
As the demand for the services of Life Coaches grows when personal or professional stress arises or intensifies, the need for qualified and effective Life Coaches is at an all time high. One of the main goals of Life Coaching is to guide people in achieving personal and professional goals so that they can live the lives that they desire and deserve.

The purpose of the Shanghai LIFE Coaching Collective is to provide an atmosphere for Life Coaches, in Shanghai (and all of China) to share and learn from each other. This learning can come from meet-ups where certain topics are discussed, or a coach can practice presenting a new module before doing is front of clients – the options are as vast as we can think of them!

If you an an aspiring, new, or experienced Life Coach and you are willing to help, not just clients, but also other coaches to develop stronger skills – then this Collective is for you. https://www.meetup.com/Shanghai-LIFE-Coaching/

© 2022 Oligye Enterprises | Colin C. Thompson | CoachColinT@Oligye.com