Career Coaching

If you trying to upgrade your career, re-entering the workforce, or reaching for a significant professional goal, my career coaching expertise can help you set a plan and get you there.

Can career coaching help you? Let's go over a few questions.

Think about your answers to these questions and If you said “yes” to a couple of them, then career coaching can help you.

Click the above link to download our free career assessment to determine if you can benefit from a career or job change.

Career coaching can help you achieve that rewarding career through goal setting and action planning. You goals may include:

The career coaching process has a few general steps however each plan customized based on your specific career goals.​

  1. Assessment: defining your priorities and clarifying where you want to be in the next stage of your career
  2. Planning: determine how you can best use your strengths and resources to get to where you want to go.
  3. Execution: develop and implement a plan to accomplish your objectives.

Achieving your career goals can lead to positive changes in all areas of your life. Coaching empowers and educates you on how to take charge of your career and achieve the success you’ve dreamed of.

Click the button above to schedule a free consultation and let’s discover how coaching can help to improve your life.

© 2019 Oligye Life Coaching | Coach Colin T. | CoachColinT@Oligye.com